Build Gnucash on OS X 10.6

Here are the steps I used to get gnucash working on OS X 10.6.  Unfortunately, at this time (Jun. 2010), you have to build gnucash from the unstable fink source tree.

First I had to nuke my old 10.5 fink directory, delete your old /sw directory.

Download fink and expand.

Open a terminal window and cd into the fink directory.

Run ./bootstrap and /sw/bin/ and /sw/bin/ (these steps can be found on the fink source install page).

Run fink selfupdate-rsync and fink index -f and fink scanpackages and apt-get update and apt-get install tetex-texmf=3.0-2 and fink install gnucash2.

You can now delete the fink directory you downloaded as fink will have been installed into /sw (unless you customized the directory).

Hopefully I didn’t miss any of the steps and it has built for you.  I did this over 3 days, so may have missed a step.  As always, proceed at your own risk.